Wednesday, January 19, 2011

2011 goals

I try NOT to make resolutions for myself and my family but instead try and set some goals for the upcoming year. Last year, my dear friend Ivey and I created goals that would help us to grow spiritually. It was great being able to share the goals with a friend who could encourage me and hold me accountable. This year, I have set some broad and some specific goals for myself and our family. I am not going crazy with the goals because I know in April when baby number 2 comes.... it will be an accomplishment to take a shower! Over the next few weeks I wanted to share some of my goals with you (in no particular order).

Spend intentional time with husband.

Once a week (we have designated the night and time) we spend at least one hour of time together. This one hour has to be spent intentionally growing closer together. We are going to take turns planning out the date night. This month is my turn... so last week we ate fondue and talked without being interrupted by a sweet 2 year old.

Last night we drank Chick-fil-a milkshakes out of wine glasses and went over our 2011 budget. How lame is it that we planned out our budget on a date night? But we really had to work at being patient with each other as we realized we think completely different when it comes to planning out and managing the money.

Once a month we will get a babysitter and go out. We think it will work better to just put Samuel to bed and have someone come over after bedtime and grab dessert or coffee out. I am excited to plan our first outing next week... anyone want to babysit =)

All this to say, we are not perfect. Our marriage is flawed because we are 2 sinners.... but we love God and each other and want to continue to deepen our relationship. This is one way we are going to try to spend intentional time together. However it works for you... seek out your husband this week and get to know him better!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! we have had so much planning dates and trying to be creative with the at home stuff. And for the going out for dessert or coffee, we enjoy trying to find new places in Durham for that
