Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What can I say about this kid?
- you are 100% boy. If you can jump off something, you will climb it. It if can be thrown, you will chuck it. If it is gross, you will eat it. You love to hit, squeeze, run, jump, dance, spin, spit, kick and flip. And I love you for it.
- you are also 100% sensitive. We joke that you are a "gentle giant". Your feelings get hurt very easily and you are affected more by verbal correction than anything else.
- you love to give hugs and kisses. For being all boy, you sure are sweet. You will give kisses to anyone and most of the time it is without being prompted.
- you love to eat. You never shy away from a meal. You are a great eater and have always impressed us by your willingness to try new things. But I know the way to your heart, chocolate milk and cinnamon rolls!
- you are so smart. I know every parent says this and rightly so.... they should be proud of their children. You amaze us with the things you say. It is so true that kids are sponges because even when I am not sure you are listening, you are soaking everything in. You are really good with names and putting people together. Even if you have only met someone once, you can remember their name.
- you love to play with animal figures and little people. All day long you pretend with your figures and have conversations with them. I love that you are so creative and already have a great imagination.
- you are still obsessed with Sesame Street. This was your first love and still is. We have tried other things for you to watch but you always say, "different video". You even have little sesame street action figures that go everywhere with you.
- you are a mommy's boy to the core. I can not leave the room without you following me. You still have your nights when only mommy will do to tuck you in. Secretly, I love this about you because I know one day mommy will not be as cool as daddy.
- you already have an interest in Jesus. You love to read your bible and will go around saying things like, "Sneaky snake trick Eve" and "No more praying Daniel"! We are already praying for you and your heart, that you would know Him and follow Him hard.

Samuel, you amaze us everyday. You are a true joy and we can't imagine our lives any other way!

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