Friday, September 9, 2011

5 months

Corrie, you are such a joy. We can't believe that you are 5 months old already. Your daddy and I always say we feel like we are missing you grow up right before our eyes. It probably has something to do with the loud but adorable boy that is always around.

You are the sweetest baby. You are so content wherever we place you or whatever you are doing. You love to lay on your back and kick your feet. This is when I can get the best smiles out of you. You have the BEST smile. You smile with you entire face... your nose scrunches up and your eyes crinkle. I love it.

You are such a great sleeper. You go to bed without making a peep, sometimes you fight it when your daddy puts you to sleep. You can be picky. You fight the dinner time nap but are so content to sit in our laps while we eat or play. You constantly surprise us when you have been up for 3 or 4 straight hours and go to bed without a fuss. You have been sleeping from 7p-7a for about a month now. Except the last week you have been waking up at 8:30 pm screaming. We are not too sure what is wrong with you... please stop. =)

You have just started rolling over from your stomach to your back. We never thought you would roll over because if we gave you tummy time and you became bored, you would just place your forehead on the ground. Pitiful.

1 comment:

  1. Corrie is so loved, and so precious! It's really neat to see how God has blessed your family.
