Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mountain retreat

A few weeks ago Ryan and I took Corrie to the mountains for a few days. My favorite season is fall and for the past few years I have wanted to take a trip up to the mountains. But with young kids a four hour drive in the car is not appealing to me.

This year we decided to do it. Thanks to some great friends who have a beautiful house in Bat Cave and were so generous to let us stay there and thanks to my parents for keeping Samuel for a few days. Ryan and I really enjoyed being able to spend one on one time with Corrie and be able to reconnect with each other without a 3 year old interrupting every 2 seconds.

The cottage was adorable and the view was incredible! We loved sitting outside on the porch, playing scrabble, reading books, taking naps, drinking coffee, snuggling with Corrie and my favorite, apple picking! I guess I will just have to get over the long drive (you might be thinking 4 hours is not that far, but with 2 young kids, 20 minutes is far) and make this a yearly tradition.

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