Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Step 2

Plan party

I knew I wanted to do a dinosaur theme this year since Samuel has a slight addiction. One project was to create dinosaur bones using sand molds and Plaster of Paris.

Another project was to make dinosaur eggs with a dinosaur in the middle. Samuel and I had fun one morning making these eggs out of sand, dirt, flour and salt. A little thanks to all his friends for helping him celebrate his big day!

Organize and plan the scavenger hunt. Ryan tackled this project and for that I am grateful. My rhyming skills end with roses are red....

I should have prefaced the birthday posts by explaining my love for birthdays. I tend to go overboard but I just can't help it.... birthday love is in me and it's in there deep!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE these ideas. I can either do a "dinosaur summer camp" or convince Cole to like dinos for his next birthday. I really want to make those dinosaur eggs!
