Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How's your week?

Wow. We have had a crazy few days in the Doherty household!

It all started Saturday with cough and colds for the kids. No big deal, just another cold for the 150th time this season.

Come Monday, Corrie is getting worse and starting to wheeze. As a professional lung listener, I do not like to hear wheezing, especially in my 8 month old baby girl. So to the doctor we went, only to be told to keep watch.

Come Tuesday, Corrie is having episodes of shortness of breath. I called several people and put Corrie up to the phone so that she could breathe into it and everyone told me to get her to the doctor ASAP. I like to think of myself as a calm and collected person, but I was panicky. I drove up to the doctor without an appointment and demanded they see Corrie (I was that mom). They whisked us back and checked Corrie's oxygen levels, which were great, and told us to wait for the doctor. I was beginning to get mad at Corrie because she was not doing the shortness of breath thing and of course she was smiling at everyone. Making me out to be a liar! Doctor came in and sent us home with inhalers and an antibiotic for a double ear infection (although you would never know it because the girl smiles all the stinkin time).

Come Tuesday night, Wednesday morning, Samuel cries on and off the whole night. He wakes up complaining of his ear hurting. To the doctors we head for the third day in a row. He also has a ear infection and what do you know... antibiotic.

Come Wednesday night, Ryan tells me he feels "funny". His hands are itching and they begin to swell. Then his feet begin to itch and swell. Next thing I know Ryan's neck, lips and tongue are swollen. I am running frantically through the house searching for Benadryl and thinking to myself... I am a nurse, why don't I have any medication! I run next door, get some meds and by the time I get back Ryan feels like his throat is closing. Awesome. I call some friends and they pick him up and take him to Urgent Care to get a Benadryl shot for who knows what allergic reaction.

I sit in here in peace as 2 kids and 1 big kid are sleeping upstairs.

After everything that has happened, one song kept coming to my head. On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. I am so thankful for that Rock, knowing that is where my hope and peace lie. These last few days when I have wanted to fall apart, I can cling to the cross and be given more grace than I ever could imagine. So many times I felt as if I wasn't in control, and you know what, I was okay with that. I knew that the God who overcame death on a cross was in control of my family, and I could trust that. I could trust Him.

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